Monday, December 19, 2011

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Being unemployed this holiday season has certainly posed its challenges.  In order to make the trip home to see our families we have had to come up with creative, budget-friendly gift ideas. I have decided to put my resourcefulness to the test by setting a $10 limit for everyone on our list. YIKES! Seeking inspiration for K and V, our nephews, I set out to the toy stores.  Everywhere I went Angry Birds seemed to be front and center. Clothes, games, balls, plush name it I'm sure those birds were on it! I came across this game and thought it would be perfect for V!  What four-year-old boy doesn't love destroying things?


It was within my $10 limit but it would exhaust nearly all of it.  This was not ok!  Instead, I bought some Angry Bird bean bag slammers for $3.  I came home and discussed this game with Dustin and neither of us really had a good solution...buying the wood to make the blocks would cost just as much as the game and then what would we have....wooden blocks?  Not so much! I decided to make V an assortment of homemade playdoh and kind of forgot about the Angry Birds game. While making seven-can soup I had an epiphany...why not paint the cans I was going to throw away to look like pigs and V can use the slammer to throw at them!